JALT CUE 2021 englishbooks.jp (Silver Sponsor)

About englishbooks.jp

englishbooks.jp was founded by and is run by teachers and our motto is “Together in Education”. We consider our customers as partners in the ELT community combining education and commerce.

Not only can we get you any book, but englishbooks.jp also supports small and independent publishers by promoting and distributing their works, which are often specifically developed for students in Japan.

There are two ways we serve ELT teachers in Japan.

1. As a one-stop-shop for sourcing all ELT materials, we serve direct customers providing ELT materials directly to a school or teacher who holds an account with us.

2. We exclusively import and distribute many small and medium-sized and/or independent and niche, publisher’s ELT materials nationwide in Japan. You can order these books from any supplier and we can help with product information and inspection copies.

Whilst textbooks can be sourced in many ways, englishbooks.jp offers a service level to educators that saves your time and resources. We deliver materials when you need them and how you need them with the paperwork your school requires.

Please contact us to discuss your needs and find out how we can make your materials selection and logistics smoother. Send us a message (info@englishbooks.jp).

Sponsored presentation by englishbooks.jp

Sat, Sep 11, 14:45-15:10 JST
Puzzle-based learning makes for active participation in class. From simple puzzles to more complex missions, students are immersed in activities that build teamwork, problem-solving skills and creativity. Fiona Wall Minami is the author of 2021 ELTon awards finalist Escape the Classroom, and will share her experiences in escape room themed online classes.