キャスリン ブラウン.


Kathleen Brown (EdD) is currently a professor at Kurume University. During her long "stay" in Japan, she has developed an interest in needs assessment , curriculum development and program evaluation. Her current work involves female academic leadership and mentoring. She is involved in the JALT Administrative Committee and the JALT Mentoring and Orientation Committee.


Professional development workshop Promoting reflective dialogue to enhance professional well-being more

Sat, Sep 11, 16:20-17:50 Asia/Tokyo

In this workshop, the presenters introduce the concept of reflective dialogue and facilitate a practical session where participants can learn how to conduct reflective dialogue by using some basic strategies for helping others to engage themselves in reflection and to promote their professional-well being. (Special 90-minute PD Workshop facilitated by members of JALT's Mentoring & Orientation Committee)

Satoko Kato Colin Mitchell Alessandro Grimaldi Dawn Lucovich Melodie Cook Grant Osterman キャスリン ブラウン.