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25-minute presentation

Neurodivergent learner’s professional development through EFL: An autoethnography

Sat, Sep 11, 10:00-10:25 Asia/Tokyo Zoom BR4

This paper presents holistic issues of neurodivergent EFL learners’ growth with autoethnographic methods from the neurodivergent author's EFL experiences. He pursued a master’s degree using English in Japan and is now working in an international environment. This presentation reveals environmental and motivational factors involved in the students' professional development.


Presentation Handout

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  • Yasushi Miyazaki

    Yasushi Miyazaki is an Adjunct Research Fellow at Intelligent Blockchain+ Innovation Research Center at Kwansei Gakuin University. He has accomplished interdisciplinary research outputs from language policy, disability studies, and disaster information management, beginning with an undergraduate study in English. Learning and using English is always the key instrument of his academic/professional career development.